Step One: Purchased an afro wig (cheapest I have found in all of LA) and some funky glasses (50's Cats-eye and 60's Lennon) and a far out "1970s" pendant from: 
Halloween Costumes
Halloween Costumes
Step Two: Visited local Salvation Army and vintage stores for additional artifacts, including old records and even a bottle of molasses from 1950! Found a 99% silver 1950 quarter too - amazing what you can find in these old stores.
Step Four: Perused online sites for 'back in the day' slang for this invite: "Can you dig, it? {Pops} is going to be 60! Solid!! We’re going to party like it’s 1959, 1969 and 1979. So bring your good times and watusi your platform shoes down memory lane for the party of the year that is sure to be boss! Come give us some skin and feel the funk as {he} kicks off his birthday week. Won't cost you no bread, man. Go-go, afro picks, poodle skirts, and bell bottoms are the cat’s meow, sho’ you right. You'll flip your wig if you miss this bash! Be there or be square! No jiving, this event will be the most! Can you make it? Right on! See ya later daddio…"
Step Four: Let loose and have some good old fashioned fun!
It's been great to be imaginative and let the creative juices flow. Stay tuned for an update after the "shin dig goes down!" So as our baby boomers start to hit their milestones, take advantage of your resources, and enjoy making some great memories!
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