Between the economy and natural disasters of late, the need to dig a little deeper and help thy neighbor is increasing. We are no longer pillar communities looking out for our own. We realize that we are all connected, and we need to support one another not only because what happens next door can effect our sandbox, but because it is the right thing to do.
Monetary donations are always the #1 goal, however, organizations realize that some of us need to be more creative in our attempts. Kai Expressions Jewelry has taken this opportunity to give what we know best - we speak in gems. Fundraisers are popping up in folds, and we have found much success in donating to auctions to do our part in uplifting a worthy cause.
Our first donation began in 2005 to the Hildebrand Family Self Help Center's Weaving Dreams Gala in Cambridge, MA. As a new company we were very pleased to learn one of our handcrafted earrings went for $65 towards this great organization that creates transitional housing.
Last year we donated a Genuine Garnet Set to the Shady Hill School Defying Gravity Gala & Auction: 2010. The silent auction benefited the scholarship fund and commitment to economic diversity at Shady Hill School in Cambridge, MA. (An incredible school that encourages creativity and diversity, and also my alma mater). Valued at $65, our piece raised a whopping $160 landing Kai Expressions in the top 5 items with the highest percentage over value!!
Women Empowered is another great local organization, dedicated to empowering women through social networking, health awareness and community volunteerism. Kai Expressions Jewelry was able to raise over $40 at last year's inaugural fundraising cocktail reception.
This year Kai Expressions Jewelry made a new connection with Crown Jewel Club, a Los Angeles based organization that empowers at-risk girls with basic etiquette and social skills essential to building self-esteem and self-confidence for academic achievement and overall success in life. Our three strand Genuine Freshwater Pearls raised $100 towards CJC's essential programming.
We have also donated jewelry to the Los Angeles Urban League Young Professionals Whitney M. Young After Party: 2010 supporting the LAULYP and its initiative to empower quality of life within our community through service, professional development, social consciousness and political awareness. For more information on our philanthropic program visit our GIVING BACK website.
What's next? Kai Expressions Jewelry will be donating a piece to raise funds for the 100 Black Men of Long Beach at their 3rd Annual Benefit Awards Dinner & Gala on April 23, 2011.
We look forward to finding new ways to be able to give back to our neighboring communities, and encourage other entities to think of ways that they can also contribute in whatever way they can. Individuals can also help too. Donate a gift certificate, offer to bake a cake, create a gift basket, offer a service. There are numerous items that can be donated, and you just may be surprised at the impact you can make...
This year Kai Expressions Jewelry made a new connection with Crown Jewel Club, a Los Angeles based organization that empowers at-risk girls with basic etiquette and social skills essential to building self-esteem and self-confidence for academic achievement and overall success in life. Our three strand Genuine Freshwater Pearls raised $100 towards CJC's essential programming.
We have also donated jewelry to the Los Angeles Urban League Young Professionals Whitney M. Young After Party: 2010 supporting the LAULYP and its initiative to empower quality of life within our community through service, professional development, social consciousness and political awareness. For more information on our philanthropic program visit our GIVING BACK website.
What's next? Kai Expressions Jewelry will be donating a piece to raise funds for the 100 Black Men of Long Beach at their 3rd Annual Benefit Awards Dinner & Gala on April 23, 2011.
We look forward to finding new ways to be able to give back to our neighboring communities, and encourage other entities to think of ways that they can also contribute in whatever way they can. Individuals can also help too. Donate a gift certificate, offer to bake a cake, create a gift basket, offer a service. There are numerous items that can be donated, and you just may be surprised at the impact you can make...